A nation of the angered
Author: adminI’m awfully glad to see 2021 coming to a close. No. Make that damned glad.
You and I – and everyone else in this nation – have been under so much pressure from just about any identifiable source. Pressures. Changes. Closings. Loss of services. Access denied. Safety lost. Stores and businesses disappearing. Movements restricted or cancelled. Our ways of life disrupted, distorted, diminished.
I’m just plain, damned tired! The world that has become is not to my liking. Nor is it to millions of other people.
Let’s deal with a couple of real-time examples.
I have no more patience or sympathy for anyone – of any age – of any sex – of any race – of any color – who is still unvaccinated. Except for medical reasons. None! No way! No how! Nada!
Health experts worldwide are now warning of even darker COVID-19 times ahead. Delta variant. Omicron variant. And unnamed variants yet to come. They’re talking of a “viral blizzard;” of even more deadly times in our futures. Some – including Dr. Fauchi – are talking about Covid and its family of killers becoming permanent fixtures in our lives. Quite likely, with us forever!.
Those who’ve consistently chosen to ignore the advice of experts, who’ve been pleaded with and cajoled by just about every medical practitioner known to God, those who can but won’t – those people – deserve no more sympathy, no more accommodation of any kind. They are willfully and ignorantly playing Russian Roulette with their own lives. An ever-present danger to your life. And mine. And any poor bastard with whom they come in contact.
Enough is just damned enough! Because of them, Covid will likely be with us from now on. Because of them, our families will continue to be exposed as we lead our daily lives. Because of them, masks will become permanent fixtures. Because of them, our normal movements of life will be restricted. Many services denied. Schools and even churches forced to change their services. Medical facilities will continue to be filled with the afflicted. And the dying. And we’ll pay. And pay. And pay.
No, Sir. A year into this damned Covid business, the time has come to cut ties with people who refuse to live up to the responsibilities we all have to each other. To avoid – to shun. This minority of cretins has no societal right to threaten the majority.
And another thing.
At last count by CNN, there were at least 23 open and ongoing investigations of D. J. Trump. Twenty-three! Some have been open and active for several years. And none of those still open – not one – has resulted in charges – criminal or civil.
We’ve put up with this lying miscreant for more than five-years.
We’ve seen large portions of our government decimated under his hand. We’ve watched him acting like some kind of dictator and listened to his lies. The lies. By the hundreds. The hundreds! The running count by The Washington Post is in the thousands.
Some two-dozen women have filed charges of sexual exploitation or actual damages caused by Trump. Going back years. His former “fixer” – Michael Cohen – is suing the guy for having him re-arrested and held in solitary confinement because of Cohen’s book about Trump. Blatant retaliation! Our former “president” has filed dozens and dozens of frivolous legal cases and lost nearly everyone.
Trump’s been gone for nearly a year. Yet – largely due to exhaustive media coverage – he inserts himself into our lives every day. He’s living “the good life” and will likely avoid jail time by filing appeal after appeal after appeal until he’s passed from this world.
Somebody. Somewhere. Pull the trigger. Tax evasion. Fraud. Ignoring the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution. Sexual abuse. Attempting to overthrow a national election. Fomenting an attack on the nation’s Capitol and endangering the lives of elected officials and police.
Somebody. Somewhere. He’s been out of office nearly a year. Surely some state or federal prosecutor has “the goods.”
Lastly, our Congress. Or, what’s left of it. The needs of this nation have been put “on hold” while the bickering, stone-walling, personal attacks and outright lies have taken center stage. Good legislation, necessary legislation has been buried and defeated by a political party that’s gone to the dogs.
Republicans have become an actual impediment to having an effective Congress. Fealty to Trump – gutting a formerly effective national political party – damaging the Constitutional balance of power by daily self-service and ignoring responsibility – this is what the “legislative” branch has become.
Yes, Virginia, I’m angry. Angry and tired of the same old B.S.. Given just these examples, it is any wonder?